The Wallingford Block Through Time
The Block was originally a 2-story "block" building in 1824. In the 1870s, a carriage house that sat east of the Block was combined with the original and a 3rd story added. The "Block" as we now know it is a result of combining these two buildings.

The Block was originally owned by the Odd Fellows organization, hosting events and meetings of the Odd Fellows, as well as operating as a post office, various markets, restaurants, retail, apartments and a community center in the 3rd story that hosted ballroom dances, theatre production and recreation. During the lengthy ownership of The Odd Fellows, The Block was the HUB of Wallingford. It wasn't until the 1980s when it came under private ownership by a group of local individuals.
It is largely unknown when the 2nd and 3rd interior spaces were demolished and all walls, heating/electrical systems and bathrooms that once served so many were removed. Michelle purchased the Block in May of 2018 at a time when it was near unsalvageable, and since that time have re-stabilized the building and have made significant improvements to the property.